After his older sister was badly burned by scalding water, Miguel Rodriguez’s mother, a nurse in Orizaba, Mexico, knew her daughter needed expert medical help. In search of the best treatment, she brought Rodriguez and his sister across the border into California.

Rodriguez remembers exactly when they came. It was on his fourth birthday, in 1997.
“We planned to stay until my sister was well, but she needed several surgeries, and after a while my mom decided life was better for us here. So we stayed,″ he says.
His mother worked several jobs and sometimes the children would only see her for an hour a day. “She was a cleaning woman, going from job to job by bus, which is when she slept,” Rodriguez says.
The family lived first in California, then in Oregon, always undocumented, always worried they’d be discovered and deported: “I would only share my situation with people I knew I could trust,” Rodriguez remembers.
Living in fear took its toll, but he thrived in school. For his high school years, they moved to be close to his stepdad’s family in Roseburg, Oregon. “I feared the worst,” Rodriguez says . “It was mostly white, few Hispanics, and very conservative.”
In hindsight, Rodriguez now sees Roseburg was a blessing in disguise. “I had the same math teacher for three years, and she was patient with me,” he says. “I wanted to be like her and teach something I love.”
Rodriguez graduated from Roseburg High in 2011, but right away he hit barriers. “I couldn’t get a real job or apply for financial aid for college because I w as undocumented,” he recalls. He picked cherries that summer to earn enough money to pay for one term at Umpqua Community College. Another summer, he got a job driving his uncle’s street sweeper in Los Angeles.
Eventually, Rodriguez and his mother were able to file for permanent residency through the Federal Violence Against Women Act, giving them legal status.
Rodriguez graduated from Portland State University in 2016 and joined AmeriCorps, landing a position as a college access coach at Portland’s Madison High School. The pay was low, $1,000 a month, but l still wanted the job. “I need to learn what I don’t know about people from different communities. Then I can advocate for them and train them to advocate for themselves.”
“At Madison, I’m tutoring many students who are like I was, who weren’t born here, who may be undocumented, and who face major challenges,” he says. “ That’s where I want to focus my energies…to help them move forward and succeed.”
Rodriguez also works in Academic Support Services at Reed College, coaching and tutoring students and staff. “Early in the day I work in this pretty privileged environment, and hours later it’s totally different at Madison,” he says. Yet he embraces the variety.
Rodriguez eventually wants to work in education policy because he believes administration is how he will make the greatest impact.
To be more in touch with his community, he directs a non-profit, Portland Through a Latinx Lens, which collects and shares stories from immigrants about their experiences.
”It feels good because I am doing things that I love,” Rodriguez l says.“ I can go home most nights feeling like I accomplished some thing, and the people I’ m working with are also accomplishing something.”
—David Lippoff

Saturday, December 22, 2018

What We Carried:
Fragments and Memories from Iraq and Syria

Kalamazoo Valley Museum 
  December 16, 2018 - April 15, 2019

Photographer Jim Lommasson created a project that showcases the significant personal items that Iraqi and Syrian refugees brought with them when they immigrated to the United States. Along with their mementos, these refugees share their stories, telling us what it really means to have to leave one's homeland forever. In their search for a better future for themselves and their families, these small objects, images, and memories represent what they left behind.

These photo/stories were created in December 2018 with local Syrian refugees now living in Kalamazoo Michigan. Photographer Jim Lommasson and Kalamazoo Valley Museum Assistant Manager for Material Culture Tammy Barnes met with local Syrian families to help share their stories about those few things from their homeland that they were able to carry with them to America. These new works are now included in the Arab American National Museum traveling exhibition now on view at the  Kalamazoo Valley Museum through April 15, 2019.

The more than 26 images and stories represents what brings all of us together: our love for family, friends, and home. All of the pieces in this exhibition will be presented in both English and Arabic.

The What We Carried: Fragments and Memories from Iraq and Syria traveling exhibition is a collaboration between photographer Jim Lommasson and the Arab American National Museum. The exhibition is funded by the Oregon Regional Arts and Culture Council, the Oregon Arts Commission, Ruth Ann Brown, and the Arab American National Museum.

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This dress is from my mother. It is handmade. There are a lot of handicrafts in Syria. This is just a sample. Most of these colorful. It is twenty years old. – Amina Alsalam, Kalamazoo



Family ID

Family ID
This is the Family ID book in Syria. It’s very important. – Maha Hilal, Kalamazoo

Syrian Coins

Syrian Coins
25 Syrian pound 20 Syrian pound This currency in Syria. They were in my purse when we left Syria. My husband told me we will back in a month from Jordan, but now six years overseas. – Maha Hilal, Kalamazoo

Tea Kettle

Tea Kettle
This kettle is my favorite. I bought it from my country on 5/29/2008. We like tea, and when we left our home we took this kettle with us. Every moment I boil water to make some tea, I remember my country, Syria. It was with me until we arrived to USA. – Ola Hilal, Kalamazoo


I brought 6 tea glasses with me when I left Syria on 7/23/2013. Every time when we move, I tried to save these glasses by fabrics. Unfortunately, I lost 5 of them. This is the only one I could keep it to the moment when I got to USA on 8/31/2016. My husband always asks me to keep it, because he like to drink the tea by this glass. Thank you for the opportunity that makes me meet the people in this beautiful country. I met very nice people with amazing smiles. Thank you for the one who takes photos for these things. – Ola Hilal, Kalamazoo


I keep some of my clothes because they were made by my favorite person in the world, she is my mother. We left our country, Syria, hoping to go back soon. On the first day of the war we decided not to leave at all, but the fear was bigger and stronger than our decision. Yes, I left my homeland and left all my dream, memories, family, home, and my pet. I miss everything in Syria. – Ola Hilal, Kalamazoo

Mortar and Pestle

Mortar and Pestle


I brought this ring from Syria. It is my favorite. I remember my wonderful days. I am Syrian. I have this ring for ten years. I left Syria in 2013. I arrived at USA in 2016 – Amina Alsalam, Kalamazoo


My mother used to wear this Jalabiah. She gave it to me ten years ago, while I was pregnant. When I look at this Jalabiah now, I remember those days. – Maha Hilal, Kalamazoo

Maha Hilal and friends from Aleppo, Syria now living in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Maha Hilal and friends from Aleppo, Syria now living in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Sisters from Homs, Syria

Sisters from Homs, Syria